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Shoe insoles. - Coccine
Shoe insoles.
Otzi, found on an Austrian glacier, 5,000 years ago wore bast shoes stuffed with wreaths of grass. 2000 years ago, a Roman legionary, marching to the north of Europe, put into his hobnailed sandals slices of garlic under his feet. 300 years ago, a Polish nobleman poured cut straw, called chaff, into shoes with high uppers. All these measures were aimed at ensuring comfort - warmth, convenience and hygiene of feet. Nowadays, all these needs are met by appropriate insoles.

When feet sweat

The period of summer heat means for most people a problem with excessive feet sweating. Feet stick inside footwear, which causes discomfort and creates a microenvironment beneficial only probably to fungi and bacteria. Therefore, it is worth using dedicated insoles which absorb moisture, prevent foot chafes, contain bactericidal nanoparticles and keep shoes fresh.

A good example of such insole is Cocciné Aroma-Silver Bioactive.


Every mile is two in winter (George Herbert)

In the season of low temperatures, biting wind and snow, which tends to get into our shoes and melt, insulating and warming insoles are important. Such ones which retain heat to your feet in footwear and will not let the cold of the frozen ground penetrate through the sole. Softly enveloping the foot and filling a winter boot will also help stabilize on uncertain slippery ground.

A good example of this type of insole is Cocciné Merino Wool.


True elegance

Elegant court shoes can gain prestige with a stylish insole made of high quality tanned leather. It not only suits visually, but is also durable, comfortable, and thanks to the additional layer of latex foam, absorbs micro-shocks, taking care of joints and bones. Perfectly fills the inside of a shoe, preventing the foot from sliding and rubbing the edges of the upper.

A good example of such an insole is Cocciné Smooth Comfort.


To work or in the field

No matter if you stand still for a long time or cover long distances every day, your feet need extra support. Shock-absorption protects joints, reduces the risk of injury and soothes potential back pain. Appropriate material structure allows air circulation, and hygienic properties help keep feet dry and clean. Such insoles should be selected from 0.5 to 1 size larger to make sure they fit well in a large shell of a work or trekking shoe.

A good example of such an insole is Cocciné Sport Ultra.


In case of painful ailments

The modern pace and sedentary lifestyle, fatigue, incorrect biomechanical diagrams of movement are increasingly causing foot pathological conditions. Longitudinal and transverse flatfoot, crooked toe, hammer toes, calluses and corns – these are increasingly common ailments which cause painful discomfort. Such feet require prophylactic insoles which will cushion, support or separate the relevant foot elements.

A good example of such an insole is Ortho Aron from the Cocciné Anatomic Line.


Small accessories for different situations

A foot trouble is often located in a specific point of a shoe or results from a particular, current situation. Pinching high counter, the foot sliding off a heel, or a slipping court shoe are problems that can be quickly and effectively solved with the help of heel counters, stoppers or gel strips. Heel pads, gel protectors, half-insoles – the list of accessories created especially for our feet comfort is really impressive. Made of various materials, they have best properties to deal with every potential problem.

A good example of such a product is Cocciné Heel Protector.

It is always a good idea to check carefully what materials, with which properties, the insole is made of. You can always learn more thanks to a dedicated application or just asking the seller or looking for information on the manufacturer’s packaging or website. And – of course – you should carefully read the instructions for use: how to choose an insole, possibly cut it and place in a shoe. Some models can be washed and used many times, others should be changed relatively frequently to achieve the desired effect. Feet comfort translates into optimal mechanics of legs, hips and spine, which affects the neuro-muscular load of the whole body and its well-being during work or rest.

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Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko is an ambassador of Cocciné brand
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