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Healthy feet - Coccine

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Healthy feet
Healthy feet
We love shoes, we do not forget about your feet.

Your feet are just as important as your other body parts. We love with heart, we think with our head, and we move right on our feet. That is why it is so important that our feet are in best condition. Thanks to them you will gladly travel your life path. Coccine Anatomic Line products help keep feet healthy and facilitate walking. Healthy feet are not only relief for the whole body, but also mental comfort. It is with well-being and health in mind we have created Coccine Anatomic Line products. Medical insoles, bunion covers, gel heel pads for the elderly, children and adults are only some products from the entire portfolio.

Healthy feet

ARON preventive insoles

Specialized insoles for people with transverse and longitudinal flatfoot. They prevent the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot from falling and support it. They absorb micro-shocks, thanks to which they reduce the risk of ligamentous-joint-muscular apparatus failure. Recommended especially for people working in a standing position or during long hours’ walk.

Healthy feet

Cocciné DAN and DANA heel pads

Made of soft latex foam, finished with delicate sheepskin. They are used for appearing and already existing heel spurs. They reduce the risk of inflammation around the heel spur. They absorb shocks and protect heels.

Healthy feet
New Eco Line products
Our crown jewel at MICAM – Cocciné ECO LINE
MICAM Fair, that’s where Coccine Premium was presented to the world.
Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko is an ambassador of Cocciné brand
Shoe care tips
We share our expert knowledge!
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